No clubs in my area

So, I’m new to the brewing forum. I’ve been home brewing beer and spirits for 8 years now. I live in an area that doesn’t have any clubs for home Brewers. I’d like to have one locally, but I really don’t know what sort of interest level there is around here. How have past clubs started up?

All it takes to have a club, is another interested and welcoming person. Finding people like that in the wilderness of your local community, could be a challenge. If there is some form of local homebrew shop, they might be able to point out customers in your local area. But since privacy might be a concern for the shop, maybe you let the shop know that you’re interested in forming a club in your area and for them to give your contact info out to those that are interested.

Another option to check, is to visit the AHA club site and do a search for a club in your area. Maybe there is already something out there in your neighborhood. The other thing you can do is contact the nearest clubs in your area and ask if they know of homebrewers in your area. You’ve gotta start somewhere!

Good luck in finding others to share your hobby with. It will be worth it.

Like Martin said, some clubs form at the local homebrew store often with some sponsorship by the homebrew  store, i.e., signage and meeting place.

I’ve also seen craft beer tasting clubs/bottle shares also get enough homebrew members to have regular homebrewer meetings.

Third, some homebrewers decide to form a club than find a home at a brewery or craft beer bar or hold meetings at member homes.

Are there local craft beer groups on social media or reddit around you? That would be an easy way to find other nearby brewers.

Agreed with everyone above. If there is nothing in your area, start by checking FB. I’m sure there are people interested in some type of club on there. Start a group and then organize a meetup. Also, contact your local brewery or store to see if they would be interested in hosting something, so you have a meeting place. Sometimes you just have to start something on your own.

It’s a lot of work, but you will be a founding member. :slight_smile:

Late into the original posting, but you didn’t say what area.