non-alcoholic brew?

Does anyone know the process to brew a non-alcoholic beer?  Extract of all grain either or. :-\

Two ways I know, the first is easy, don’t add yeast (that doesn’t make a very pleasant beverage)  :frowning: or
perform a low temp vacuum distallation to remove the alcohol.

Not sure how you would do a low temp vacuum distillation at home, but I have done the following:

Make a beer as you normally would. After fermentation is complete and and the beer is ready to drink (aged/cleared/etc.), as accurately as possible, measure the volume of your beer. Then distill it (I use a reflux still) and replace the lost volume with distilled or RO water. The taste of the now extremely low alcohol beer is very close to the original.  If you don’t replace the lost volume, the beer will have a cooked flavor.

You can bake it in the oven. Check this link out. 3/4 of the way down the page.

I’ve done something like cowstick’s method, but on the stove. Just for fun, with a gallon of beer. After about 20 minutes at 180°F I could no longer smell any alcohol coming off, but based on a hydrometer reading it was still 1.9% ABV (down from 5.8%). Very little impact on flavor though - I have notes somewhere but I can’t find them.

And, I assume if you caught the steam coming off, you would be left with delicious alcohol!!