I tried Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale a few days ago and I was quite disappointed. The watery finish and the lack of that pumpkin ale taste made this my least favorite pumpkin beer. For me, it’s not worth the price.
I made the mistake of buying a sixer of the shipyard pumpkin. I still have four left but I might as well just dump them because they’re not even good for cooking. Terrible.
For those who may want to try a good pumpkin ale, try Southern Tier’s Pumking (8.6% ABV).
Very good aroma, and not watery at all, IMO.
We had a taste of it a few weekends ago at a local gastropub (Kickback’s).
It was served in a large tulip glass rimmed with sugar, cinnamon, and crushed graham crackers.
The ladies sure liked it. One of them had three glasses of it.
I think that pumpkins beer are only good for sanitary land fill. But I am a little bias I had one too many pumpkins beers one night and thats all she wrote.
I’ll just skip the cheap irish whisley and go straight to good american bourbon and not bother with pumpkin beer thankyouverymuch. :) Seriously, if you have to chase a whiskey with anything it’s simply not worth drinking. Unless you chase a whiskey with another whiskey.
As far as Pumpking goes, I’ve heard good things about it. But if it smells like pumpkin pie I’m not interested. the ladies can have it. At least it’s good for one thing. ;)
I don’t like a lot of pumpkin beers, but I have to brew one now for the homebrew club. A buddy of mine has a family farm that grows the little sweet pumpkins that are meant for cooking (not the big Jack O’ Lantern types, which taste like ____). So he gave us all some of the pumpkin, asking us to brew a batch with it to see what works. We can make whatever style we want, adding the pumpkin to the mash or in secondary or whenever, as long as it uses 2 pounds of pumpkin somewhere. So I’ve decided to go for more of a sweet potato pie sort of a thing… Scotch ale… with big malt sweetness, and consideration of whether to add a little vanilla to mimic marshmallow topping. No cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg or clove in this one at all. I want to steer in a new direction. I think a Scotch ale might work well with this. I haven’t brewed it yet but I’ll be doing so this weekend. Although not a typical fan of pumpkin type beers, I’m actually interested to see how it turns out.
we (and by ‘we’ I mean my wife) made our pumpkin pie this t-day with butternut squash and it was lovely. I would almost say it was more pumkiny than pumpkin. Deeper orange color and much richer flavour.