splat splat burp gurgle…nothing but foam and not a lot of it…just hissing CO2… I don’t understand, it was beautiful an hour ago… I mean, it’s only a week old and I only served…(one, two three…35, 36, 39)…eh, never mind. I think I figured it out.
Bad news is nothing will be ready for another 10 days or so… I have to work on this inventory control mangament program… :o
Ohh the empty (kicking the keg) sound. First it’s Awwww Crap! Then it’s a moment of silence and gratitude, like sending an ol’ friend off for good. Okay, well, sure, ya, time to make some new friends I guess… Cheers!!!
Reminds me of an episode of Cheers! The keg kicked and they all hummed “Taps” while Sam (or was it Woody?) took it away. As soon as he started coming back with the new one they all immediately switched to Hail to the Chief. ;D
I keep an eye and ear for it. The tap kicks a little in my hand I let off quick lest the last glass gets some gunk. I’m amazed at how few days 5 gallons only lasts. :
You ever notice how friends will drink more off the taps then in the bottles? There’s something that keeps them from going to the fridge, getting a bottle, opening a bottle then pouring. But on tap it’s no problem… whooooorrrrrrccccuuuullllll…nothin’ but C02.