Odd flavor.....

Brewed my usual IPA… same ol’ recipe. One keg just fine. The other, I put an ounce of Cascadian whole hops in a bag in the keg… Every time I take a swig I think…dishwashing liquid.  Two possibilities. 1: I used some to clean the keg and didn’t get it all out… (can’t remember) 2 The dry hop.

Any thoughts?

You can get this flavor from certain hop schedules.  I’m not sure how it works, but it tastes just like soap and is most common in really hoppy beers.  I wish someone could explain it to me.

so whats the hop bill and times?

We need more information, recipe, sanitation/cleaning procedures, hops and schedule, temps, etc. Too generalized of a statement to give an accurate answer than just “dishwashing liquid”.  Is there more than one keg and does this one taste normal/ok?

I’ve gotten soapy tones from when the beer was on the yeast a little too long or when there is too much sediment in the keg.

Oscar did you filter this batch?

And, I’ll assume you’ll know better than to use dishsoap on your brewing equipment in the future. Especially your kegs. I don’t like the way dishsoap fails to rinse away.

Its also why I remove the diptube to clean separately since cleansers can hang up in there.

Well, according to the record…

Stadard 2 row, Carapils, Crystal 20 grain bill. 1oz Simcoe @60, 1oz Cascade @15, 1oz Cascade @2. And, in this case an oz of whole Cascade in a muslin bag in the keg.

It was on the yeast starting 3/12 for 10 days at 65º and for 9 days at 34º, kegged 3/31 with the whole hops and force carbed at 42º at service pressure, tapped on 4/12.

As far as rinsing the dip tube… I always hook air pressure to the gas side and a hose into the floor drain on the liquid side and force rinsing water and sanitizer through…

This keg will get a very thorough cleaning though. I’m thinking about dumping it… :-[

Are you sure you didn’t use Cascade dish soap? ;)  Sorry, just had to.

If it’s that bad just dump it.  :(

When I kick a keg I rinse it and then disassemble the posts and dip tube. The keg and parts then gets a hot soak in PBW for 24hrs and then a hot rinse. I will then sanitize with Starsan solution and purge with CO2. The final step is to pressurize to 30psi and then storage. When it comes time to fill it I check to see if it held pressure.

I use a long dip tube brush to clean out the tube during PBW soaking. Kegs get new orings as needed.

That’s a good procedure, perhaps overkill, but if it works for you, then great.

I don’t disassemble too often, every 10th batch maybe, just to check things out.

If you feel good about your cleaning procedures I’d say let it sit a while… maybe it’ll mellow out…

Oscar, I’m curious about the muslin bag. Did you ever run it through the washing machine?

Brand new, soaked in sanitizer.

Interestingly enough, today it’s less, a lot less. Don’t know if it’s growing on me or whether it was indeed some soap stuck in the pickup tube and it’s now starting to flush out… I think it’s drinkable. Certainly as a third or fourth beer after a few precious ones… ;D

I got a similar flavor out of a cascade-heavy brew that was fermented at my friend’s house (and I think he may have made about 100 stupid mistakes, because it is INCREDIBLY CLOUDY)… I was planning on hitting it with gelatin and hoping it gets better, but I have kinda assumed the problem is chlorine in the water we used - perhaps his charcoal filter’s cartridge needs replacing.

Try rinsing the glass?

I’m gonna assume you filtered it. And your beer is probably ok. Keep on drinking it.

Did not filter it… Am drinking it, although my Brown Ale and Belgian Ale (more on the latter later) taste soooooo much better. This beer may be the “there’s nothing else” beer, or I’ll replace it with a fresh one, hopefully more like the previous versions.