okay here it goes

I have a belgian breakfast brew in the works right now is there anyone who would like to try it a give me notes on it when it is ready?

What does your recipe look like?

its a belgian dubble that i brewed with orange and costa rican tamazu coffee the wort tasted amazing but things can happen did you want the specifics of the recipie?

Sounds, well, interesting.
Sure post the recipe for further scrutinization.
Where are you located… may be easier to find a homebrew club with some BJCP judges vs shipping beers all around the place.

well problem is i live in ocean city maryland no one home brews the closest brew club is about 2 hours away

Sounds like this one is in the fermenter already.  I think it’s great that you’re just brewing something different that you think sounds good.  I’d say it’s ready when the fermentation is done and it tastes good to you.

thanks tygo i’m honestly just trying to become better as a brewer in general figured i would try and get some critique while i can

Yeah, definitely.  Post the recipe, I’d be interested to see what you did.

Yeah post the details.  Only taste will tell at this point since you already went for it but we can advise you as you nurture it along its way.  :wink:

I just brewed up a couple of Belgian dark strongs.  One had tangerine zest and cocoa.  I will be infusing it with cacao nibs as it ages.  Orange and coffee sounds like it could be a pleasant combo as well.

hell yes i’ll taste your beer!  notes is a small price to pay.  in fact. i hereby open myself up to anyone who wants a critical tasting!  is this an extract, partial, or all grain batch?

enso that sounds really good.  The batch is an extract im about to make the switch to partial soon i will post the recipe soon

One of the best beers I have ever had was extract. Wonderful beer can be made that way! I can’t wait for the recipe.