Once n a while something comes along that ....

you think might be worth sharing…



That was funny!!!  They were correct with the line “You will never guess what this ad is about.”


That was funny but I think this one’s great. http://www.noob.us/miscellaneous/motorcycle-outruns-cops/

“Faster than a speeding ticket!”

Too funny…  Volvo police cars… bwah ha ha!

Sorry, but that’s not f%@ing funny at all. As someone who sees assholes like this on the road more than once a week, and someone who drives with a one-year-old in a car seat in the back, to whoever drives like this I say FCK YOU. You make one single slip up when you’re trying to overcome your shame for having a small d*ck by driving like an idiot and you ram into the back of my car and hurt my kid, I hope you have a long, long life at the end of a feeding tube.

I have absolutely ZERO respect for people who drive like this. It’s not a funny video.

Wow. When you encounter a driver like that, I sure hope you don’t use that same language with your 1 year old in the back seat.

What? You have someone shooting at you, you’re gonna use some rough language. Half a ton of metal and person speeding at your rear end at nearly 150 miles an hour is the same thing. No sense trying to take the high horse on this one.

This argument (and my feelings about whoever’s stupid enough to try it) goes for drunk drivers, too. You wanna screw up your life, do it on your own time on a closed track, not on a highway filled with people.

Looks like Ghost Rider. He can ride.  :slight_smile:

Idiot drivers may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.

Preach on brother, I have no respect for those kinda drivers they put everybody at risk. Google pics if you want to see what a high speed bike impact can do to a car- hint , it looks like a spear going thur the car.

No he can’t , all he is doing is rolling on the gas & weaving thur traffic, sorry but thats not “skill”

Read this page>


I just find it very funny. You say the driver is driving that way to compensate for his small D__K. I’ve always felt that people that go on tirades using strings of profanity are doing the same thing. Just saying. :smiley:

Logic fail.

So it would be funny if you or your family got hurt or killed because of that kinda driving? Real funny man…

Yep these people sure seem to be having fun.

I’m not for a second condoning what the driver does. I’m laughing at the pointless reaction. Are you saying that  because I don’t swear at bad drivers I’m putting my family at risk.

“to whoever drives like this I say…” does not mean I actually say this, out loud, every time I see this happen. It’s just a turn of phrase and should not be taken literally.

The only real recourse I have for something like this is to do what I do already, which is have my wife try to take down the plates and rider description and direction, and call the cops.

Now that makes complete sense. It’s the one time when having a cell phone in the car helps.

No one is saying that, unless you are twisting words.  You are, however, laughing at Phil after making an equally pointless jab at his parenting.

Can you not be a d!#$ for once?

Important to note also that I’m not the one making the call  ;)

Damn drivers talking on cell phones, Off With Their Heads’s :smiley:

Good for you, seriously. :smiley: