Only 1-2 beers for the winter

I’m going to be moving in about two weeks, so I’ll have time to brew at most two beers to take with me. I’m going to bottle up the rest of what I have (APA, Maibock, Bourbon Barrel Stout, Oktoberfest, Tripel, Triple IPA), so I’ll have plenty of variety, but quantities on all of those are getting low.

So, which two beers would you most want to have with you for a long Colorado winter?

Which two would you brew?
  • American Amber
  • Porter
  • Dubbel
  • Westy 12 Clone
  • Doppelbock
  • Other
0 voters

I would go with a RIS and then an IPA… 8)

a big ol westy 12 and a lightweight (4-5%) but warm & toasty porter.  can’t go wrong there.  It’ll be cold, that’s for sure.  and not if it happens, but when you get snowed in, you’ll want that big belgian.

btw, if I do end up heading down there, I’ll be sure to bring a few beers myself.

Good luck on the move  :slight_smile:

I’d be happy with a nice porter and an IPA.

You’ll get plenty of craft-brewed IPA and Ambers in CO.  I’d go for the D-Bock and a Baltic Porter.  You can always blend these stronger beers into lighter brews to get several more different styles.  These two styles a great in cold weather (as if I know, having lived in Fl for the last 20 years).

Belgians all the way - maybe a dubbel and some sort of spiced specialty ale.

A barleywine or a well aged old ale, the best for sitting by the fire!

I’d like to have an RIS or Barleywine, but I don’t think I have time at this point. It would have to be in bottles in about two weeks - definitely no time for bulk conditioning.

What do you expect to have ready in 2 weeks???

Ready? Nothing. Bottled? Anything I listed. Lagering the doppelbock in the bottles wouldn’t be ideal, but packaging after two weeks would be SOP for anything else.

I dunno man, I had to run the AC today…Might get some rain this weekend. 1st frost
predicted for the 9th…but we’ll see. First snow the 19th…Been too mild. You could
probably get away with late summer brews still, if you want to…

Sure enough you brew that and you’ll have to dig for 8 hours to move your car…
We say, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.”
Hit me up on your way through, we’ll chat beer and snow…

Well, I was pretty set on the amber but ya’ll have convinced me; I’m brewing the Westy today and the porter Friday.

I’d brew all through the winter if I could. I just don’t have room to take my equipment out with me on this first move.

You will be brewing all winter, especially with all of the skiers in that area :slight_smile:

But maybe you can find someone who homebrews and have a brew day at their place on your day off from brewing . . .  :wink:

Actually, they no-sparge (equipment limitations), so I imagine I’ll at least occasionally make a stovetop batch using the tail runnings… :wink:

I really like that two -2 below by new belgium in the winter…yummo…