Our club will be doing a group brew day and wanted to tackle a partigyle beer with an american barleywine and a pale ale. Looking for someone to check my numbers before we tackle this beast of a project. This will be 7 members each taking 2g of barleywine and 4 of the pale ale.
I’m looking at 100lbs of NW Pale Ale Malt and 6.5lbs of C60 as the base recipe. That looks like that should get me 14 gallons of around 1.097 barleywine and 28 of the pale.
As far as mashing this goes, plan would be to use 4 of our 10 gallon tuns then pull the first 4 gallons off each one for a preboil volume of 16 gallons which will be separated between to keggles for a 90 minute boil. We have a boil kettle big enough to do the rest in a single batch. The pale would be a standard 60 minute boil and we’d probably capture about 32 gallons to boil down to 28.
Do these numbers seem to make sense? Does this need to be overbuilt for equipment losses and more boil off?