Parting out a Brutus 10 System -SOLD

Changing from my Rig for Sale Posts to Parts only.

The amount in parenthesis is for shipping, which I’m guessing is less than what it actually will cost me to ship any of this. But since I am open to considering reasonable offers, I want to exclude a small amount to get the stuff from me to you. I accept paypal.

Brew Stand with casters $500 (pickup only)

Kettles (The two 20 gallon kettles are the triclad bottom kettles from  The 15 gallon kettle is from Morebeer).

20 Gallon Kettle with Whirlpool Return Arm, ball valve, and diverted wort pickup. $200 ($25)

20 Gallon Mash Tun with false bottom, valve, thermometer, flexible return arm and return port $250 ($25)

15 Gallon HLT, ball valve and threaded insert for thermometer $175 ($20)

High Efficiency March Pump 815  $100 ($10)

Morebeer Convoluted Copper Counter Flow Chiller $125 ($10)

(3) 20 Tip Natural Gas Wok Burners $20 each

Lots of 1/2" stainless ball valves and fittings (make offer)

Silicone hoses with QD fittings or just the QDs (make offer)

Blichmann Controllers (SOLD)