Hey guys I had a question on another thread about trying to figure out the extract efficiency of a certain grain that my brewing calculator does not have within its database. I use the brewing calculator from Brew Your Own as the foundation from building my recipe. Anyway I recently just bought a sack of Irish Ale malt by Malting Company of Ireland and I was trying to figure out the pg/p of this grain. would I be correct in this calculation?
Listed extract %: 82
PG/P= 82(from above)*5(batch size in gallons)/10(pounds used in batch)= 41pg/p
The brewing calculator has Maris Otter at a pg/p of 38 and I know that these malts are very similar but the Irish Ale malt has a higher extract ability. Any advice or wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
100% potential extract is 46.2 point-gal/lb, so it would be:
46.2 * 0.82 * 10 / 5 = 76 points
Of course you then need to multiply by your mash efficiency to determine the actual gravity contribution.
Assuming the 82% is DBFG:
1+((82/100)*.04621)=1.038 p/gal