Been looking on Amazon for a reasonably priced pH monitor. There are so many and at such varying prices. Any recommendations out there?
Been looking on Amazon for a reasonably priced pH monitor. There are so many and at such varying prices. Any recommendations out there?
I use PH Checker by Hanna Instruments. I have to calibrate it periodically and replace the probe about every 1.5 years. But, I am happy with it.
Hope this helps.
I will take a look. Thanks
Just make sure you’re looking at meters that have resolution of .01 and accuracy of .01-.05. After two years of debating about buying one, I just ordered the Milwaukee MW101 off eBay.
I’ve got a Hanna pHep4. Works great.
I was gifted the Milwaukee MW 102 pH/Temp Meter. It is a quality piece of equipment and I noticed that pFriem Brewing Co. in Hood River was using the same or a very similar model. Since I only use it about once / month I calibrate before each use.
I would suggest paying a little extra money to buy a decent meter that will allow you to replace the pH probe.
Just replaced mine after two years and 10 months (61 batches) typically used once or twice per batch. Cost about $35 for a new pH probe. Resolution 0.01 pH, accuracy (@25C) +/- 0.02 pH
If you are going to bother measuring pH, you might as well spend the money on a decent meter.
I have a vinmetrica that I used for beer and also wine, but the last couple years my ph meter has gone the way of iodine tests and protein rests and I’ve stopped using it. I found that bru’n water always gets me to my ph and confirming it was a pointless step.
As an employee of Hanna I would like to point out a couple things from the comments above.
Our pH Checkers (HI98103 and HI98100) currently have an open junction design for the pH electrode. The open junction helps to prevent any clogging from solids found in a sample. It is important to note that the open junction design uses an agar based electrolyte. An agar is like jello in that it is liquid when hot and a gel when cold. For this reason it is important to not use above 50 oC/ 122 oF. Also being an open junction means that it is susceptible to drying out so it is important to add a couple drops of storage solution to the protective cap when not in use.
On a side note, I have displayed the Checkers at tradeshows for many years and it is amazing that they can sit in a storage case and when taken out they always work. I typically place in coca cola to engage with the people with a sense of curiosity to its pH. A lot of people do not realize how acidic a cola is.
The HI98100 is a new version of the HI98103 and added a bunch of new features including automatic calibration.
The second thought was with the pHep 4 (HI98127) which is the same as the pHep 5 (HI98128). They are only different in resolution.
The pHep 4 has an extractable junction for the pH electrode. When looking at the glass a small piece of cloth can be seen on the side. What this junction does is allow the user to pull a small portion out so that any clogging that occurs can be cleared. When a junction becomes clogged the readings will tend to drift and/or be erratic. This will present a problem with not only getting a stable reading but also with calibration. Meters that have automatic calibration look for stability. If the reading is not stable then the meter will not accept the pH value of the buffer. When this happens simply pull a small portion of the junction and the response and stability behaves like a new probe.
It is important to only pull a small portion (1/8"). The junction is only 1.5-2" long so it can be completely pulled out. So just a little needs to be pulled out.
As a side note: the pH junction is a barrier from an internal wire inside the probe and the solution to be measured. The electrical pathway must be clear for any pH meter to work properly.
If anyone ever has any questions about pH or other analytical equipment then please feel free to message me.
We also have Technical Sales and Application Engineers on staff for support. They are always available at 877MYHANNA (694-2662).