Phoenix / Glendale / Peoria, AZ?

I am headed to Glendale, AZ in late June.  Any must-visit breweries in the Phoenix area?

No, but you should be able to golf for cheap. Of course it will be 108º out…

Seriously.  We were in Phoenix in August 2012 - it was 114 in the day, and only cooled to around 95 at night.  Uninhabitable.

Arizona Wilderness.

Looks interesting!  Thank you.

I was there almost exactly a year ago for my mom’s funeral.  The coolest day was 120.

North Mountain brewery
Sunup Brewery
San Tan Brewery
Old World Brewery
Phoenix Ale Brewery
Sleepy Dog Brewery
Peoria Artisan Brewery

I used to also like Four Peaks in Tempe, but I don’t get out that way much these days.

Thanks!  Not sure I’ll get to all of those…  Which is your favorite?  Thanks also for the link to the brewing news!

I’d have to say my favorites are Four Peaks (can’t believe I forgot to list that one!) and Sunup. North Mountain has good beers but the music sucks. San Tan is good too.

If you’re interested in a taproom, Papago is great, with a nice bottle selection as well.

Yeah, I liked that place when I would have work trips to the valley.

I love these trips.  My wife works as a consultant / trainer during the day, while I go check out breweries.  Motel, car, and the food is paid for.  I just have to pay for my flight - which half the time it’s on frequent flier miles.

Four days in in the Phoenix area, then 3 days in the Denver area.

Man, that works out nicely !  Think my wife needs a career change.

I really liked Prost in Denver whin I visited Sept. 2012. Really good German bier!

First night is at North Mountain Brewing.  So far: a flavorless Cream Ale, a decent IPA which was only lacking in dry-hopping, a good Scottish with (quote me here) a discernible peaty/smoke/earthy flavor.  I wish there was a BJCP judge here to either correct or confirm it.  But my favorite is their 3 strings Porter.  Seriously the best Porter I have had to date.

Second day at Peoria Artisan Brewery and Sun Up Brewery.  The Peoria Artisan was a class act.  Not an average beer in the lot.  I got a sampler of 5.  My favorite was their Haboob Black IPA.  Sun Up was good, but nothing I thought was remarkable.

I will also say that the bars around my motel suck.  They each have 6-15 taps of light lagers and other bland beers.  Why that sucks is that I have to drive to the breweries, but an walk to about 6 bars. @$;-?%#{!