pick up tube picked up most the trub

I brewed a belgian strong golden ale yesterday and my pickup tube took a good portion of the hops and trub. I’d like to get a new pickup tube that collects from the side so I can whirlpool, but for now I’m stuck with one that goes almost to the center of my keggle and a few centimeters from the bottom. What I’m wondering is will the trub & hops now in my carboy have a negative effect on the flavor/aroma of the beer? I know theres a debate about trub in the fermenter, but what about the hops? Also, is there anything I can do in the meantime to prevent picking up too many hops & trub?

  1. for the “cleanest” flavor you can transfer the beer to another fermenter after the trub has settled.

  2. I use a 1/2" street elbow inside the kettle and a Bazooka screen along the perimeter.  I whirlpool the wort and let it settle in the center for at least 15 minutes.  Then transfer from the side.


This is an ongoing debate. I like to remove most of the trub upon transfer but some trub is good for yeast health and development during fermentation.

Tom’s suggestion of allowing the trub to settle after cooling, then racking into a second carboy, leaving the trub behind is a sound method that I use from time to time. Much of the trub will settle in about 30 min.

Thats good to know for next time. I already pitched the yeast though.

I’ve seen at least one experiment by a homebrewer where the beer with the trub left in was preferred over one wit it removed.  I wouldn’t worry about it if I was you.

^^^^^^one less thing to worry about.

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.

You can still transfer it off the trub until high kraeusen begins.
Carpe cerevisea!

When I transfer I put a sanitized grain bag in the way to the fermenter and let all the trub and hop material catch in that. makes for a nice white yeast layer. but yeah don’t worry about it and as others have said…
Seize The Fish!

Although you are apparently in favor of beering the fish which, frankly doesn’t make any sense at all.  :wink:

Although I am a trub separator, I think it’s more of an issue if you intend to repitch the yeast. You don’t want to carry grub from batch to batch.

I agree, I usually get a little trub in my fermenter and I reuse my yeast.  I’ve had no problems.

Not planning on repitching it. Thanks for the input; not gonna worry about it.

Just ordered ingredients for a pliny clone. Gonna see if my keggle’s pick up tube will allow me to whirlpool all that hop to the center. Been thinking about a new tube that picks up from the side but we’ll see how my current one works for it.

Wow, that’s gonna be one huge hop cone if it works. If I recall correctly you’re looking at well over a pound of hops for a 10 gallon batch and that’s befor dry hopping! Delicious and well worth it though! Good luck!

Use a hop bag. I brewed with 8oz of hops on Sunday (6oz pellet, and 2oz whole leaf) and royally plugged up my lines, so no whirlpool, and no pump out.  Had to siphon and scoop.  May be less of an issue with just pellets, but the whole leaf, or in my case whole cone, is just asking for a blockage.


Consider a Hop Stopper or Hop Blocker.

Could be a fun DIY project if you’re so inclined.