pickup tube not really picking up

I’ve pretty much just ignored the problem and have been using my older boil pot rather than my keggle because of the issue, but I’d really rather use the keggle for fairly obvious reasons.

When the liquid gets down to about the level of the ball valve, liquid stops running.  It seems rather obvious that I don’t have a good seal in the system, but further inspection says I don’t (or it’s infinitely small and unobservable)

Any ideas on correcting this issue?  It’s really annoying having to use my auto siphon to get the remaining wort out…

Tip the keggle towards the end of the pick up if the pick up is along the side.  Use some tubing to lower the outlet of the valve. 'Bout all I can think of. Cheers!!!

oh duh.  that should do the trick.

on my keggle i use a 1/2" copper tube going into a compression fitting the tube picks from the side of the kettle and I can adjust it up or down to get right on top of the hop mass after whirlpool

You don’t have a good seal.

Once you get below the ball valve level, air will get sucked in around the ball valve if it doesn’t fit right.  This will make you lose siphon, or introduce air that makes your pump lose prime if you have one.

Try some teflon tape on the threads.