Pint of Law | A Legal Blog For The Brewing Community


A few months ago, I indicated that I would be launching a blog dedicated to discussing legal issues affecting brewing law.  Although there are a few more kinks to work out, I have launched the site.

Right now, I plan on focusing on issues affecting commercial brewers and homebrewers in the Upper Midwest (where I live), but over time, I would really like the site to become a helpful resource to brewers all over the U.S.

I am really interested in hearing content ideas, as I have only written a few articles so far.  The blog will focus on timely issues, but it would also be cool to have some general reference material in there as well.  One reference article I will be working on in the coming weeks is an analysis of 26 U.S.C. s 5053(e), the homebrewing exemption statute.

Feel free to let me know what you think.  But remember, the blog is still in its infancy. :wink:


From one homebrewing lawyer to another - I say nice work, man.

You might just blog your way into a new job.

The pint gavel is awesome. Did you come up with that yourself?

Thanks, man!

Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for the pint gavel.  I recruited one of my brother’s friends, who’s the art director at a big fancy ad agency in Minneapolis, to come up with a logo image.  I thought it was really clever!

BTW, it would be great to get content ideas from other homebrewing lawyers like yourself!

Very nice work Matt!

This is a fantastic resource for the brewing community. I commend you for your very fine effort here.  :slight_smile:


I await the forthcoming discovery of the home distillation loophole!  ;D


Cool website there PP.  I like the logo and the title too.  You do know you left out an o, yah?  ;)  ;D

This is great, it’s really a service to people.  A guy I know runs a similar blog in Washington, you can check it out for ideas.

Maybe you guys should team up and make a destination site, recruit brewer/lawyers from everywhere to contribute. :slight_smile:

It’s funny you mention that, Tom.  I actually contacted Doug a few months ago when I was thinking about launching the site!  You have noticed that I have a link to his site under the Blogroll section.  He runs a really nice blog.  Forming a collective would be a cool idea!

Love the pint gavel, its excellent, it adds a nice light-hearted feel to starkness of the color. My only criticism is the typeface, its very cartoonish, you might want to choose something alittle more serious to reflect the law part of the site, the gavel takes care of the lighter side. Something like Trajan, Garamond, etc might fit the bill or maybe a slab serif like Unit or Chunk Five.

good luck with the site!


Thanks, Tony!  I appreciate the suggestion on the font.  I’m trying to strike a balance between: 1) legitimate legal blog; and 2) something somewhat lighthearted (the audience is brewers, after all).  I’ll give a few other fonts a shot.

edit: I changed the header font to ChunkFive.  I think it looks better.  Thanks again!

I hadn’t noticed a link to his blog there, thanks for pointing it out.  I figure you can’t be an expert on the laws in all 50 states and every foreign country, while keeping up with new legislation that may be good or bad as well.  Not with having any sort of life at the same time, let alone a job. :wink:

Thanks for lending your expertise to the community. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the link. There’s interesting reading there. You have a good writing style. Your prose reads easily. Nicely done.

My pleasure, and Chunk Five looks great!
