Portable Kegging

I was cleaning a keg and noticed stamped on the side “max pressure 130 psi”

That put me to thinking.
There are a lot of questions on this board about how to pressurize kegs for pouring when taking to a cookout, etc. when taking the whole cylinder and regulator is not desirable.

I know there are those little cylinder things but…how would pressurizing an empty keg to about 15psi and hooking a gas to gas jumper work? That might be enough to push out a whole keg.

Just a thought.

Interesting idea.
Yes it might just work at least for part of your beer.

The tricky part will be to ensure all the O2 is purged from the keg in the process.

Is taking an extra keg easier or more desirable than a CO2 tank and regulator?

For convenience, I’d look at counterpressure filling minikegs.  Then, either use a PartyStar tap or let it gravity pour through the built in tap.  1.3 gallons goes fast.

If you know for sure its going to be drank that day let gravity do the job

Some of the shindigs we throw a corney won’t even come close, always need more, several trips to the store ;D I was just trying to think of a way to get things pushed out. Beer keg already carbed and chilled in a barrel of ice. O2 be damned, it won’t last that long :smiley: pulling off the lid and dipping out of the keg seems so - um - unrefined :o

Even in SC we have or standards, as low as the are 8)

Make a nice stand out of Hickory so the polished shiney can lay on its side (use some Armor All on the handles)
Fashion a siphon tube that can go over the OUT post, making it look like something from a pot still adds to the ambiance
Figure out a way to attach a faucet to the IN post


That made me laugh.
Thank you

That’s a very good idea.
I forgot that for most of beer’s history it has been served via gravity.
We get spoiled by our modern gadgets and forget the simplest solutions :stuck_out_tongue:

The faucet side is whats hanging me up.
Sure I can throw on a QD and a short beer line with a cobra tap but I want something a “little” classier

The little $20 thingy that uses the “paintball” cartridges works fine if you can keep ppl from messin w/ it.  I take a lot of kegs to a lot of places and I’ve learned to be very vocal about telling ppl to keep off the thingy.  They always want to pump it like they’re at a frat party or hit it w/ too much CO2.

I assume you’ve ruled out one of these.


Yeah, with the keg laying on its side the angle is all screwed up.

I’m thinking I have some welding to do :wink:

Cutting and bending the out tube seems like it would be easier.  Shoot, maybe just changing the in and out tubes so that the air enters at the highest point and the beer comes out near the lowest would probably work.

Or get an RV faucet and make a beer engine.

Gotta make one of these:

I have been looking for one of these.  B3 doesn’t seem to have them any longer…

My though is to have a short shank welded to the IN post so I can put a faucet on the post. The OUT side would allow air in to serve the beer via gravity. Got you covered on the beer engine but like the idea of serving via gravity too

That was the third site I looked at to find even a photo.  But they still have the connectors and the faucets separately.

I like mine, even though I need a second. Since I can now borrow a jockey box when I need one, it’s moot.

I get the wanting to weld something, but I don’t think you have to to have it look nice.  When you get it done, post pictures!

Oh that goes on a QD…

Problem with going to a QD is it will want to turn.

I could get that and weld it to a post though , thanks for the link I didnt know such a thing existed.