Porter Recipe?

Im wanting to make my 1st porter using a recipe with extract. Sorry havnt gone to all grains yet, but have done mini mash when brewing my wit.

Anyone put me in the right direction for a good recipe that is tried and true. Ive found several online, but like to go to my fellow brewers to get the best opinion. Trying to get to where im creating my own recipes but still do not know quite enough about the many strains of hops and yeast to do so.


nevermind, all I had to do was search a little.

Found Denny’s Post


Think im going to add a texas twist to the recipe though and switch it up a bit.

Unless my memory is worse than I thought, that’s not mine.  Looks pretty good, though.

sorry I meant that you posted the link to the recipes.

you are all over the board. Id love to drink a few of your beers, with your knowledge the have to be awesome!

Some of them are, some of them…well, you know!

Hell, Im so new to brewing. Your brew that you think is just ok, i may think is great. haha.

What do they say. “An artist is their own greatest critic”

You may not think Brewing is a art, but I know after Ive had a few beers some things sure look a bit better.

This is the extract version of my porter.

5-6 lbs DME

1 lb Medium Crystal (40-80L)
1 lb UK Pale Chocolate Malt
8 oz Carafa Special II
8 oz Belgian Aromatic

.5 oz CTZ (16% AA) 60 min
1 oz Willamette (5% AA) 15 min

Your preferred British ale yeast

If you can convert the base malt to extract, this is an excellent recipe by John Palmer (How To Brew).  Some folks don’t like black patent malt, which is one reason to give this recipe a try using brown malt(Thomas Fawcett brand, not Baird).

Malts Gravity Contribution

8 lbs. of 2 Row Base Malt
1/2 lb. of Special B Malt
1 lb. of Crystal 80L Malt
1/2 lb. of Chocolate Malt
1 lb. of Brown Malt

BG for 6 Gallons

OG for 5 Gallons

Hops IBU Contribution

1 oz of Galena (11%) at 60 minutes
1/2 oz of East Kent Goldings (5%) at 40 min.
1/2 oz of East Kent Goldings (5%) at 20 min.

Total IBUs 50
Yeast Fermentation Schedule

Irish Ale (liquid)

Primary Ferment at 65°F for 2 weeks.
Or 1 wk Primary and 3 wk Secondary.
Allow to Bottle Condition at least 1 month.
Mash Schedule - Two Step Infusion




Beta Conversion
Alpha Conversion



With Porters and Stouts, English yeast strains are good choices for more of the tart character that is part of these styles. Any of the dry yeasts like Windsor would also be good.