Possbile IPA recipe

So i was pondering a recipe for an ipa. I tend to like high IBU beers
Here is my idea. I know the crystal is not popular, i’m going a caramel color, with caramel taste as well any substitutes are welcome. I believe my O.G. was 1.067 with a final around 1.018, ~6.2ABV%, 15ish SRM, and 87ish IBU’s. I also want to keep it a extract/partial mash recipe.

7lbs light LME
½ lb crystal 60l
1 lb caramel malt 40l
2lb victory malt
1 Irish Moss 15min
2oz Cascade -1oz 60min, .5oz 30min, .5oz 10min
1oz Centennial - .5oz 60min, .5oz 45min
1oz Citra – 60min
1oz Chinook- .5oz 60min, .5oz dry hop
1oz Amerillo - .5oz dry hop, .5oz 30min
1oz  Columbus – dry hop
2pks Safale S-04

Well I know you were expecting this but…

1.5 lbs crystal is too much. That LME already has some crystal. adding that much more is… well it’s not to my liking but you are the brewmaster. I bet you would get a nice color from the victory and the 60L all by them selves. bump up the victory by another lb.

Also I see nothing but 60 minute and dry hop, you aren’t gonna get a lot of hop flavour that way. maybe move some to FWH and some to 30 or 20? but again, largely a case of personal preference.

Thanks for suggestions. I was not sure on the hop schedule. For the yeast is Safale-04 going to work with O.G. estimate?

should be fine. Can’t find info on how well it attenuates but It’s not going to have a problem with the og. you might want to use 2 packs, or 3 of the 5 gram packs. Check out Mr Malty pitching calculator. it can give you the exact amount.

Thanks, I was thinking about adding 2packs

A quick calculation shows an OG under 1.060, assuming a 5 gal. batch.  You should only need one pack of yeast for that.

+1 - throw in some yeast nutrient for CYA

yeah - more late hops.  Also, shame to use Citra at 60 - I’d reserve that strictly for late…

I’ve never used Citra for bittering, but I’ve heard more than one report that it can lead to some cat pee flavors if you do.

If it were me, I’d take all your 45 minute and 30 minute additions and move them to 20 or 15 minutes. Take the Citra and use half at 20 or 15 minutes and use half for dry hops. Your current hop schedule will give you a lot of IBU’s (too much, probably) and not a lot of aroma/flavor. Here’s what I come up with when I tweaked the hop schedule you listed. I don’t know the AA% of the hops you’re using, or your batch/boil size, but this should put you closer to a reasonable BU:GU ratio.

1 oz - Cascade (AA 7) for 60 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Centennial (AA 10) for 60 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Chinook (AA 13) for 60 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Amarillo (AA 8.6) for 20 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Cascade (AA 7) for 20 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Citra (AA 11) for 20 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Cascade (AA 7) for 10 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Amarillo (AA 8.6) for 7 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop
0.5 oz - Chinook (AA 13) for 7 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop
0.5 oz - Citra (AA 11) for 7 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop
1 oz - Columbus (AA 15) for 7 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop

Thanks for the ideas on the hop schedule, my 1st draft i was just throwing random numbers around. I will definitly change the citra 60min addition (i don’t want any “pee” favors in my beer).

I’m curious as to how much honey/sugar i should add to the mix and when to add it?

So I forgot that this batch will be a 3gal batch
here is my scaled recipe, should I break up the hop schedule into .35oz additions at different times, to better utilize the whole hop spectrum

Title: Hogback IPA

Brew Method: Extract
Style Name: American IPA
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 3 gallons
Boil Size: 2 gallons
Efficiency: 70%

Original Gravity: 1.065
Final Gravity: 1.018
ABV (standard): 6.11%
IBU (tinseth): 76.28
SRM (morey): 15.18

4 lb - Liquid Malt Extract - Light (65%)
0.15 lb - Honey  (2.4%)

1.5 lb - Victory (24.4%)
0.5 lb - Caramel / Crystal 60L (8.1%)

1 oz - Cascade (AA 7) for 60 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Chinook (AA 13) for 60 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Amarillo (AA 8.6) for 15 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Citra (AA 11) for 15 min, Type: Pellet, Use: Boil
0.5 oz - Chinook (AA 13) for 7 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop
0.5 oz - Citra (AA 11) for 7 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop
1 oz - Centennial (AA 10) for 7 days, Type: Pellet, Use: Dry Hop

1 tsp - irish moss, Time: 15 min, Type: Fining, Use: Boil

Fermentis / Safale - Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04
Starter: No
Form: Dry
Attenuation (avg): 72%
Flocculation: Medium
Optimum Temperature: 59 F - 75 F

Generated by Brewer’s Friend - http://www.brewersfriend.com/
Date: 2012-05-23 04:37 UTC
Recipe Last Updated: 2012-05-23 04:25 UTC

Victory might be my new favorite grain.  Absolutely love the color and flavor it has.

For an IPA, you don’t have much going on in late additions. Dryhopping will provide aroma, but additions at the end of the boil will give depth to the aroma and flavor (I add them at ~ 170F while cooling).

You could use the same amount of a higher alpha hop later in the boil than your Cascade at 60 min (say… Centennial at 40 min, for example), then use your cascade at the end of the boil. I didn’t run the IBU calcs, but it looks like you can.

If you haven’t bought ingredients yet, then we open up all kinds of possibilities :slight_smile:

What are you going for? Are you trying to model a certain commercial example(s)?

I have not bought anything yet, i have redone the recipe and added some hops and rearranged the hop schedule. I’m really not going after a certain commercial example. I just the C’s hops and want a good hoppy beer in tastes and nose.  I was thinking of adding a very small amount of honey malt as well. I was also wondering how much honey/sugar to added to dry out the beer a little bit (3gal batch).

I was thinking about using US-05 instead of US-04 any thoughts on pros or cons, on using this yeast for an ipa

here is modify recipe

Hogback IPA
brewer logo
Added By: csu007
Method: Extract
Style: American IPA
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 3 gallons
Boil Size: 2 gallons
Efficiency: 70%
Original Gravity:
Final Gravity:
ABV (standard):
IBU (tinseth):
SRM (morey):
Amount Fermentable PPG °L Bill %
4 lb Liquid Malt Extract - Light 35 4 59.3%
Steeping Grains
Amount Fermentable PPG °L Bill %
1.5 lb Victory 34 28 22.2%
0.4 lb Caramel / Crystal 60L 34 60 5.9%
0.6 lb Pale Ale 37 3.5 8.9%
0.25 lb Carapils (Dextrine Malt) 33 1.8 3.7%
Amount Variety Time AA Type Use
0.4 oz Cascade 60 min 7 Pellet Boil
0.3 oz Chinook 60 min 13 Pellet Boil
0.3 oz Amarillo 30 min 8.6 Pellet Boil
0.3 oz Cascade 30 min 7 Pellet Boil
0.4 oz Chinook 20 min 13 Pellet Boil
0.3 oz Amarillo 15 min 8.6 Pellet Boil
0.3 oz Cascade 15 min 7 Pellet Boil
0.4 oz Centennial 15 min 10 Pellet Boil
0.3 oz Citra 15 min 11 Pellet Boil
0.4 oz Amarillo 7 days 8.6 Pellet Dry Hop
0.6 oz Centennial 7 days 10 Pellet Dry Hop
0.3 oz Chinook 7 days 13 Pellet Dry Hop
0.3 oz Citra 7 days 11 Pellet Dry Hop
0.4 oz Citra 7 days 11 Pellet Dry Hop
0.6 oz Columbus 7 days 15 Pellet Dry Hop
0.4 oz Columbus 5 min 15 Pellet Aroma
Other Ingredients
Amount Name Time Type Use
0.6 tsp irish moss 15 min Fining Boil
Fermentis / Safale - Safale - American Ale Yeast US-05
Attenuation (avg):
Optimum Temperature:
59°F - 75°F

US05 is my go to yeast. I have used S-04 but I just prefer American Style yeast. All in all, I would make your choice based on whether you would rather use an American or English yeast

I’m not opposed to either one, to my limited knowledge they both have neutral, crisp, dry finish. However, i guess for an American IPA US-05 would be the better style choice

The time that I used S-04 I didn’t think it was very neutral and was completely different than US-05. That being said, I personally don’t like to use english yeasts often although a lot of breweries with beers I like use them. I think it may have something to do with filtration or something and that my beers have a lot of yeast left so it doesn’t leave as clean of a finish.

I may be wrong but I thought US-05 is more attenuative then S-04 as well. That could be a big determining factor in your choice