Post boil ph higher than mash ph?

Hey all did a mini mash of 100% pils malt with RO water and added lactic acid to get the ph down to 4.02 to make some sauergut

Mash was fine
Ph meter was calibrated about 3 times to make sure
Tested it mash about 4 times always came out to 4.01-4.03 ph

did a quick 5 min boil

after the boil I tested the ph again and it had risen to 4.8

how the hell did this happen? I’m racking my brain

This is just a guess, but was temperature takin into consideration when checking during the boil. Also, will evaporation affect the pH?

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All the temperatures of samples were taken at 75 degrees. I’m assuming maybe the first sample at mash was just way off for some reason but I can’t find any info as to why that’d be especially if it was properly calibrated and I even checked it with a different probe too and it read exactly the same

When did you take the pH of the mash? Mash pH has a tendency to change over the length of the mash. I always wait at least 10-15 minutes before taking a pH reading.

I took the ph about 20 mins into the mash, but Who knows I think next Time I’ll just adjust at the boil and save myself the headache lol

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