A friend has an asian pear tree with fruit ready to harvest and wants to make perry. I’ve made lots of cider from pressed juice, but I’ve never actually pressed fruit (apple or pear). Anyone have any advice to share?
I love Perry. Have about six bottles in my “cellar”. My understanding is you make it just like cider. However, if there are any tricks to it I’d like to know as well.
You need to grind them up first - do you have a plan for that? I’ve seen a grinder made using a (new) garbage disposal. http://www.whizbangcider.com/2009/01/whizbang-cider-photo-gallery.html
For pressing I use a fruit press, so unless you have access to one I can’t really give useful advice. My LHBS rents them out, but I use a little one that was my wife’s grandfather’s.
I’m borrowing a grinder and press from a friend.
I’ve heard that pears can be difficult to press because they are softer than apples. I looked in my cider book last night and it recommended pressing slightly underripe. Problem is that if they are too soft it is like pressing applesauce - just gums everything up and makes a mess. It also mentioned using rice hulls to help that.
Asian Pears are generally much firmer than European pears. I don’t think you will have any issues treating them like apples.
I have been thinking of an asian perry for a while. keep us up to date on how it turns out!
I’ve got a real nice cider press (see pic) and have pressed a lot of apples from our trees. We’ve got a pear tree and I’ve tried that a couple times with not so great results. The pears basically clogged up the bag in the press part of the press. I’ve learned that the key is to not let the pears get too ripe. If they’re still a bit underripe they’re less mushy and don’t clog the press.
I have seen perry recipes that have you crush the pears and do a primary fermentation on the whole fruit, like red wine, then rack off the remains for a secondary.
but yeah, I would think asian pears would not present the same clogging problem as european pears.
I don’t think they would either, but I haven’t tried them.
We’ve got the press and we’re pressing tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it works out.
Well, we picked pears but did not press. They are sitting in buckets and ripening a little. Even the really ripe ones are still pretty firm. We have about 2 bushels, hopefully we’ll be pressing this weekend.
We got 5.5 gallons of juice from 2 bushels of asian pears. Similar yield to apples. Pictures to follow.