My friend recently had a commercial example of pretzel beer which he asked me to try to make a version of for his upcoming birthday. I didn’t exactly dig this particular beer but I’d like to riff on the concept and hopefully make something a little more palatable. I have in mind a malt forward slightly toasted beer along the lines of an english brown ale. Here is the grain bill I came up with to get started but all input is welcome:
Batch Size: 4g, Boil Size: 5g
Mash: 60 min @ 151F, 1.36qt/lb
Boil Time: 60 min
OG: 1.052, FG 1.015 ABV: 4.9% SRM 12 IBU: 28
3.5 lbs Vienna
3.25 lbs Wheat Malt
5 oz. Melanoidin
5 oz. Victory
3 oz. Chocolate Rye
1 oz East Kent Goldings @ 60min
1 oz East Kent Goldings @ 5min
Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale
As far as water goes, I’ve built a profile off of RO water to get me up to 100ppm calcium and keep a balanced chloride/sulfate ratio and adding table salt up to 150ppm of sodium. I suspect I will need to re-salt to taste after primary but can do that to taste.