primary bucket spiggot

Hi Guys,
I’m new the forum, and have a quick question if you wouldn’t mind.
I’m installing a spigot to my primary bucket, and don’t know how high from the bottom of the bucket I should place the hole for it.
Any help out there?
Thanks in advance!

I hate spigots for anything other than a bottling bucket. Too hard to keep clean and sanitary while in use. For bottling bucket I go as low as I can and still get a good seal. I just have to be careful not to sit it down on the spigot

For that reason I recommend installing it high enough that the spigot wont hit when the bucket is set down. Tilt the bucket to get the last of your brew out.


Certainly an option. I just assemble mine so the bottling wand is snug at about 3 o’clock position.  Fill it, lift it to where I am doing my bottling, then tighten the wand to the 6 o’clock position.

Huh, any leakage issues?
Im about to install some spigots on my small batch fermentors so I can bottle right from primary. I will be priming with “pills” for simplicity.
I like the idea of rotating the spigot but have leakage concerns.

I tighten it by hand to where it feels like it wont leak. Then 1/4 turn more to point the wand down. No leaks.

I tighten it by hand to where it feels like it wont leak. Then 1/4 turn more to point the wand down. No leaks.

I may give it a shot.

Let us know how it goes. You can always try it out with water first rather than spill beer

+1 - I brew a lot of 1-gallon batches and they’re a PITA to bottle. I’ve been using an autosiphon attached to a bottling wand to bottle right from the primary because I’m worried I’d lose too much by racking to a bottling bucket first. If you come up with a decent rig, I’d be tempted to give it a shot.

For my next round of trial batches I’m thinking of racking to a keg, then bottling from there under low CO2 pressure.