Just bottled a beer today and had a new issue pop up. Mixed up some water and the priming sugar, boiled for about 10 and let it sit for about 10 minutes while I siphoned into the bottling bucket.
When I mixed in the priming sugar it was VERY syrupy. I’m guessing I waited too long to pour it in and it cooled and thickened. I don’t think it mixed too well and I know I left some behind. Any thoughts?
Not sure what you can do now, but I always heat sugar solution, pour into bottling bucket, and rack beer onto it almost immediately. The priming solution goes into the bucket and the racking beer mixes it in. 25 batches into my bottling career and no observed issues with variances in carb level from bottle to bottle.
Ditto on putting sugar in the bottling bucket first, and I’ll stir after adding the beer (belt & suspenders). I’ve never seen the priming sugar get syrupy.
How much sugar and water did you use? I’m in the 250 - 500 ml range of water for a 5 gallon batch, depending on the amount of sugar used.
I wouldn’t lose too much sleep over it. The worst outcome in all likelihood is that you have to wait a little longer for those to carb up. Let us know in three weeks.
How much water do you use? I use the priming sugar calc. on Northern Brewer. I’m never concerned with the volume of sugar, but maybe my water volume matters?
While I agree that there isn’t much point in worrying about it at this time this statement doesn’t scan. Of the sugar was not will distributed the worst that could happen is some bottles not carbonating at all while others become severely over carbonated. The amount of sugar each bottle needs to achieve the desired carbonation level is fairly straight forward. If you are experiencing what you describe I would be more careful to make sure you are waiting for your beer to finish all the way.