Proane regulator problem?

I was planning on brewing this AM.
However, when I started the propane burner I got a very low flame. Like the tank was almost our of gas.
The tank did have gas in it but I switched to a full tank.
Now the burner won’t lite at all.
I disconnected the regulator from the hose that goes to the burner and then attached the regulator to the tank.
Turned on the gas, no gas is coming out of the regulator.
I assume that’s not normal.
Can I assume that the regulator is bad?
Weird, it worked OK two weeks ago.

Sounds like you may tripped the safety mech in the regulator. Turn everything off, wait 15 min, crack open the cylinder valve, wait 10 sec, slowly open the cylinder valve completely, open regulator and light.

Second guess, too cold.

Thanks for the tip. I’ve heard of this happening but never had it happed to me.
I followed your suggestion and everything worked as it should.

I knew it wasn’t too cold since I’ve successfully used this setup at temps in the teens and it was only 30 degrees this AM.

Well, after much messing around and either not getting any flame or more than about 50% heat out of my burner, I replaced the regulator.
Problem solved.

Another update:
The regulator I purchased locally was preset for .5 PSI.
While it worked, the Hurricane burner didn’t run at “full speed” since the original regulator was preset for 1 PSI.
Anyway, long story short, I contacted the folks who make/sell the burner about getting the correct regulator.
Unknown to me the Hurricane burner I purchased several years ago has a life time warranty and they are sending me a new regulator at no cost!
I am impressed.