question about fine tuning beersmith

Hi all. I’m brewing an IPA today and just started my boil. While it’s rolling I have a question for the beersmith gurus… I’ve been dialing in my settings in beersmith and I believe I have it pretty close.
My issue is, I’ve been consistently getting about 83-84 % mash efficiency but my preboil gravity and OG have been consistently coming in 5 points under my estimate. I’ve had my brewhouse efficiency set at 72%. If I adjust it down to 68%, everything seems to be right on. Am I making the correct adjustment?


That is how I did it

Are your water volumes correct? If you are using more water than what you have plugged into beersmith you will get lower efficiency. Conversely if you are using less water you will get higher efficiency. I am not real precise on my water measurements so I don’t ever expect my OGs to be spot on with what beersmith says.

My water amounts are pretty much spot on. I am almost always within a quart of my estimated amount. That’s kinda why I thought it might be my brewhouse efficiency setting. Everything else seems to fall in line except that small shortage.

UPDATE, I did adjust my brewhouse efficiency and all is well in the world. I actually over shot it a bit. I changed it from 72% to 68% and my last batch was a bit over on OG instead of under. Looks like 70% is my happy place. :smiley: