Question about mash schedule

I’m doing a traditional multi step: 1. Protein Rest: 122 for 20 minutes, 2. Beta Sacch’ Rest: 149 for 30 minutes, 3. Alpha Sacch’ Rest 158 for 30 minutes and Mash-out: 170 for 10 minutes.

Here’s my problem. The first step went well, 122 for 20 minutes. But in the process of raising the temp to 149 it went to 180.
What will happen to my mash? I am assuming that since mash-out is at 170 that the process of Saccharification stops the conversion sugars. Will the mash-out be low on sugar?

Thank you.


You’re probably fine if the time spent at 180 was brief, although I don’t know what would qualify as brief (perhaps a few minutes or less?). If the enzymes were destroyed, the wort would have some, but not much, sweetness to it (some starches would have been converted as the wort passed thru sacch temps on the way to 180). Did you taste the wort? Was it sweet? Was the pre-boil gravity typical for your setup? These are probably your best guide.

It sounds like a major overshoot, which would denature all enzymes, but how quickly did this occur?

I have done a continuous rise mash from 143-158, then to mashout without problems, but the rise was slow, so I had both the beta and alpha covered during that upsweep in temperature…I think it was 75 minutes overall.

It would help to know how you raised the temperature.  Was it recirculate with heat or stirred on a burner?  If it was very gradual, you may have spent some time at beta and alpha rest temps.  You could check the gravity of the wort to see.

Thanks for all the quick replies. I used a burner that raised the temperature to 180. As far as, how long at 180 about say at least
10 mins. I started stirring to try and lower the temperature as quickly as possible. The O.G. is supposed to be 1.048 and my wort is at 1.052.




If your measured OG is 1.052, you must have achieved plenty of conversion when heating from 122 to 180. Personally, I would count that as done and proceed.

Had the OG been a little lower, I would have proceeded with a smaller beer. Had the OG been much lower, adding a separate source of enzymes may have been required to salvaged the batch.

On a related note, your acid rest at 122 isn’t likely necessary unless you are brewing a style with large amounts of wheat (think Hefeweizen). And even then, maybe unnecessary. Malts of today are different than historical, and do not required complicated mash schedules of the past. Almost all my mashes are performed at a single temperature, plus mashout.