Do you recirculate for the full 60min (or however long the mash is)?
Do you stir the mash and rest (10-15min) before collecting?
Do you recirculate for the full 60min (or however long the mash is)?
Do you stir the mash and rest (10-15min) before collecting?
Yes, vorlauf to ensure you’re not going to try and pump a mess of grain through the system, and then start your circulation pump, and run it for the full mash session. I usually shoot for about 2 liters/min of flow.
The wort will be nice and clear at the end of the mash since it’s been filtered through the grain bed for an hour. If you were to stir it at the end, it would end up all cloudy again (and you’d have to vorlauf and circulate again to clear it), so once the mash session is done, run it straight into the boiler, and start your sparge.
Since I recirculate the wort to heat it and keep the entire mash at my desired temp, yes it is constantly recirculated. The recirculation sets up the filtering capability of the mash bed and no, you don’t ever stir the mash bed once you have adequate circulation or that will screw up the filter that you’ve already established. You would have to continue circulation to reestablish the filter if you stirred.
Since I run a RIMS, I do conduct a mashout step and bring the temp up prior to runoff.
I can recirculate the whole time, but I dont. But mine is a manual direct fire recirculating setup. Basically batch sparge in a stainless mash tun.
If you are unable to heat your mash, do not recirc the entire mash. Doing so will cause excess heat loss.
If you are unable to heat your mash, do not recirc the entire mash. Doing so will cause excess heat loss.
I can heat it, sort of like a RIMS.
I recirculate through the entire mash as well. I occassionaly rake the top few inches to prevent any possible channeling issues but that’s it
I have a Blichmann tower of power and I recirc the entire time. I do stir the mash about half way through just to be sure I have a homogenous mash. Other than that I leave it alone.