Last night I brewed 3 batches of porter- Yes 3 batches! This is a record for me and only possible because I extract brewed with steeping grains.
I used #6 of DME in two gallons of water in the kettle. I steeped #1.25 of grain in a separate pot in about 3 quarts. This got added to the kettle and boiled for 45 minutes. Used one ounce total of Chinook 13AA: 0.5@ 45, 0.25 at 20 and 5 for 28 BU’s.
Cooled in the tub and topped off with water from the tap and pitched on yeast cake.
I lost the first batch to the tub LOL with a total brain fart move. : Note to self: don’t leave kettle in a running tub unattended. Did a Titanic on me…
Luckily I had more DME. Did two more batches side by side. Easy and fast! Probably will return to brewing like this- especially in the summer since it only takes a few hours and clean-up is minimal.
Takes a bit of planning and organization, but like riding a bike. I broke my cardinal rule of no drinking on this one. I attribute the “accident” to this…
I’ve got about 50 batches under my belt, and I’ve been saying for a couple of years its time to move to AG, but the fact is I can get a 5gal batch kicked off, and get all the clean up done in under 3hrs, so its just too damn easy to keep doing extract.