Ran out of CO2

Hey all.So,I’ve had a keg on for 5 full days at 10 psi and just ran out of CO2.Do you think it’ll be alright if I leave it alone and serve w/ a mini CO2 kit I have?On Fri?Thks.Been a while since I’ve kegged.


Yep, but your carbonation may suffer over time.


The other worry of course is that keg may have been leaking and that’s why you’re out of CO2… If that’s the case the beer may be under carbed already.

+1.  I would definitely leak check all connections and seals.

Yep.i did.The tank was just about out when I hooked it up.Blasted it to seal.

Oh!Its not bad guys.ill have to take it easy on it.lol.