re-using cooling water

OK, we’ve moved our brewing system, and are now on municpal water.  So we have to re-use the cooling water, or pay a fortune.

I have thermanator plate chiller for cooling wort.  I’m thinking of using my pond pump in the bottom of a sink full of ice water (just freeze milke jugs full of water) and then recirculate through the plate chiller and back into the sink.  I don’t know how much the water will heat up, and how much ice it take to make this work.

Any other ideas on re-using cooling water?

i circulate with foam ice packs.  you can also use the used warmer water for cleaning and for watering your lawn, garden. just let the run out go in to a rain barrel and then use your submersible pump to water your lawn, garden etc when you need it.  the water can be temporarily stored like that

How much water do you use in chilling?  I’m wondering if you couldn’t simply have two containers and pump back and forth from one to the other.  It will cool to room temp between brews.  You could throw in a frozen milk jug to minimize the amount of water used, and you can add a little bleach to prevent anything from growing in the storage containers.  I’m envisioning something like a couple of 20gal open-top plastic barrels for this.  And I’m assuming you have the space to store the water.

I use the hot water from the chiller for cleaning. I just stick a bucket in the output to catch. Once the flow cools, I just dump it in the yard.

I don’t even wait for it to cool. I pick a spot with some weeds that I want to get rid of and dump the hot water right there. but I like the two barrel reuse scheme above. seems like a good way to go.

I hook the effluent from my chiller to the water sprinkler. Cool my wort down and water the lawn at the same time.

Tried to do a frozen-PET bottle recirc from boiling to see if it would work for saving water. Problem is that it takes forever to cool the wort to pitching temps.

One of those situations where there is no easy solution in order to save water. I think several passes through the plate chiller with ice-water running through it will be your best bet.

The conventional solution would be to direct the hot output from the HX to your HLT or MT and hold it there for the next brew. Especially if you’re double-batching, since it will already be hot.

A good idea if you are brewing regularly.  I’m not sure I’d want to let water sit in a vessel for two weeks to a month.  I see the beginnings of mildew at times in my swamp coolers when I don’t add a little bleach.

Oh yeah, definitely. I was under the impression mic was talking exclusively about his commercial endeavors.

I use the water for cleaning and for filling up the washing machine.

You assumed correctly.  For homebrewing, it’s not a big deal to water the lawn with the discharge.  But for the little commercial thing we’re doing, not so much.  I like the two barrel idea.

Thanks everyone.

I have used our collected water in rain barrels for initial cooling and then a recirculating ice bucket to finish the job. It works well, but the dragging hoses and setting it up it a pain.