I would love to hear some feedback on a recipe I made… I’m new to creating recipes and I would love to see what someone has to say about a recent one. Sometimes I think I use too many malts/barley combos…
Here it is…
9 lbs Maris Otter
1 lbs 8 oz. Chocolate
1 lbs 4 oz. Oats, flaked
1 lbs 4 oz. Caramel Malt 80L
1 lbs Roasted Barley
12 oz. Black Patent
1 oz. East Kent Goldings
Dry English Ale WLP007
That’s a heck of a lot of roast grains. You could probably cut the chocolate, roast barley and black malts in half and still have enough roast flavor and color for an oatmeal stout.
I have been happy with roughly:
Maris Otter 65%, Flaked Oats 15%
5% each of Chocolate, Roasted, Victory and C90
30-35 IBU Goldings 60 min
5 IBU Goldings 15 min
S-04, WY1968, WLP002
Yha, I always feel like I over shoot with grains, but it usually turns out well. Any advice on locating a general guideline of the percentage of grains for styles?
The combinations look good but I’d make the roasted barley, BP and chocolate a maxim of 1.5 pounds combined for a 5G batch. That’s a lot of Crystal too. Could probably cut it in half as well.
As far as learning proportions for styles download the BJCP style guide , listen to the Jamil Show on The Brewing Network (it’s on iTunes and probably Android) and check out the book Brewing Classic Styles by Jamil Zainasheff and Designing Great Beers by Ray Daniels. The Brewers Association (Brewer’s Publications) has published lots of good style books and there are others available as well.
When I quit buying kits (ie designing recipes) I asked questions and found some answers rude. Then I realized they weren’t rude, I was just ignorant. Someone suggested Jamils stuff to me. I looked, watched some YouTube, thought he was arrogant. Then I realized, he just knew what he was talking about and I was ignorant. Now? Kind of a fan. Between jamil, Palmer, Denny, and drew, learning from them has made me pretty much a genius LOL.
But ya, plus one to brewing classic styles, along with howtobrew and some recipe episodes on brewers network!
Designing Great Beers is an excellent book and I keep it handy. It’s very helpful in building your own recipes, and I actually need to pick it back up for a refresher.
Brewing Classic Styles is probably a book I should pick up and I may just hop on over to Amazon and order it.
But, to the original question that recipe has a HEAP of roasted grains. I think you could get by just fine with 8 oz. each of chocolate, roasted barley and black patent. I would also probably increase the hopping a bit.
To me, an oatmeal stout should be smooth. With as much roasted barley and black patent as you’re planning I don’t know if you’ll get the smoothness I would associate with the style.