We’re getting our basement finished and I’m looking to install a 240V 10 gallon electric brew system. Any recommendations on what size hood in terms of cubic feet per minute (CFM) would be required? I wouldn’t anticipate any more than a 1 gallon per hour evaporation rate.
Have you thought about something like this?
I just switched to a 240v induction setup and was exploring the vent Hood option as well when I ran across this thread and I think it’s the route I’m going to go.
Just a thought, Cheers!
I saw that in another thread. That’s a cool idea, but I think I’d rather stick with a hood.
I worked with John Blichmann on his article on brewery venting published in BYO.
For a hood with about an 8 sq ft opening area, you need about 400 cfm. There are several factors in designing a hood and blower, so its not cut and dried. Keep the rim of the hood as low as possible while still enabling you to not hit your head or interfere with any stirring. Make sure the hood is at least 6 inches outside the limits of your kettle(s). Try and have an air supply duct feeding outside air into your brewery space as close as possible to the kettle location so that you don’t suck out as much of your air-conditioned air.
I cheated in getting my hood to act like it was lower than it actually is. I attached flexible curtains around the edge of my hood that hang lower and don’t hurt if your head encounters them.
Curtains are the way to go. Polyester is the best material in terms of common materials with low flammability. I use curtains with natural gas so I have some nomex wherever the curtain could be in contact with a flame - not a problem for you.
Since I have an already finished basement and don’t really want to install a hood at the moment, I was looking into this and wondering why no one made a domed lid with vent for a standard blichmann kettle with a glass porthole. If you were direct venting, your airflow needs would be drastically reduced and it would be easy to install a small bathroom type fan and ductwork.
Is that 6 inches on either side of the kettles, or 6 inches total outside the kettles?
John says it needs to be 6 inches beyond any side of the kettle(s). I take that to mean if I have an 18-inch diameter kettle, I need the hood to be at least 30 inches by 30 inches.