Refrigerator Surprise

Casting about in the fridge and found: A Rogue Shakespeare Stout. Lovely surprise at 3am. Forgotten anything lately?  ::slight_smile: This is one fine brew.

Too funny euge!  I just found 6 Old Sol and 6 Old Wooly.  Both from Big Time, last years wooly and this year’s sol.  It’s fun to find stuff when you “lose” it in storage.

Hopefully with all my new kegs, I can “lose” soemthing too.  LOL.

Just found one of my three year old Raspberry Lambics in the back of the beer fridge.  Now I have to decide whetther to drink it while brewing tonight or hide it again.

Drink it… You know you want to!

A few years ago I brewed a 10 gallon batch of crappy beer so I turned one keg of it into malt vinegar and forgot all about the other keg.  About a year later I was checking tags on the kegs in my beer fridge and found the second keg from that bad batch.  A year of lagering turned it into one of my best beers ever.  I was glad  I tasted it before I poured it out.

Anything I want to store I put in my parents basement. My old man’s beer world starts and ends with Miller High Life, so it’s safe. Sometimes I find some cool stuff when I’m nosing around down there.