Remember that key lime mead from the "travel in SW Florida" topic?

The key lime mead I made last December that blatz, Gordon, tschmidlin and I were talking about a while back didn’t score as well in the last competition - good score (35 points) but no cigar.  So I added a bit of lemon grass to it and entered it at the Commander SAAZ competition in Coco Beach.  It evidently was better this way, 'cause it took first in the category and went on to take best of show for mead and cider.  The senior judge on that panel said it was the best dry mead he’d ever had.

So I’m pretty happy about that. ;D

Way to go, Jeff!

Right on Jeff!  Congratulations!  I know there are a lot of good meadmakers in that area to compete with.

Interesting about the lime/lemongrass combination - I make a lime soap using lime essential oil.  When I use lime essential oil by itself the fragrance fades within a couple of weeks.  But when I add a lesser portion of lemongrass essential oil with the lime, the lime fragrance lasts much longer. The lemongrass is not noticable. It is one of my most popular soaps.  It is my personal favorite.  I love limes!

Thanks, guys.
Now if I can get my beer mojo back I’ll be happy.  I had six out of nine beers score over 35 points, four go to the second round and they got zero medals this time. 
Maybe I should be reading Grdon’s book…

Awesome Jeff, congratulations!

Way to go Jeffy!

Very cool! 
I was planning on making that mead come winter time when key limes start rolling in around here.  I’ll keep this trick in mind.


That sounds like some fantastic mead…congratulations.  But how do I find that recipe?


Add four gallons of hot water to one gallon of honey (I used orange blossom and palm) and 16 ounces of fresh key lime juice.  Ferment with the yeast of your choosing.  I used Thames Valley ale yeast.  Force carbonate and add a small handful of freshly picked lemon grass (heated in the toaster oven to kill off any stray bad things).