Restarted Recipe Archive

Wanted to get some feedback. This is still very much a work in progress, but I wanted to see what you guys thought:

over time I expect to make the page look more and more like the old page (as well as move all the old content)

What do you guys think?

And by what do you think, let me clarify…

Is it easy to look for something? If you look at a recipe, does it give enough information for you to recreate things?

I generally like it, but the categories column is a little cluttered to my mind in its current location. It’s a case of information overload, and I’d suggest fewer tags, or moving the column to the right.

But I love the site banner.

Yeah, my plan is to reach in there and beat Drupal into setting each “row” to look like the following:

Recipe Name | Brewer | Brew Date | Post Date
    Recipe Description | Tags

I’ve generally found that Drupal doesn’t always cooperate as you hope it might, but the order you suggest makes most sense.

I’m actually interested in how you deal with this as I’m one of a bunch of people who’ve just set up a new homebrew club and we need to start developing a website. One of our members has the skills, but it comes down to getting the design and feel right as well.

Very, very nice, Drew. Kudos for having the ProMash files available for download.

I like the ability to pick by style. The “Recipe (sic) by category” was not as useful to me, since this seems to be more a listing of events.

On the whole (and all things being equal), it’s a home run. Thanks!

Amen on drupal not cooperating sometimes. I’d been avoid any sort of custom coding just to make life simpler until the “Upcoming Events” Block finally drove me too nuts with the whole (45 days away) instead of an actual date. Whoever thought that was a good idea should be slapped.

For me, I spent a lot of time working locally with a XAMPP Lite setup and cycling through different themes until I got one that was generally clean and did the right things. Then I leaned on one of our club’s artists to help create that banner you see out of his logo for the club. And to think that thing began as a temporary tattoo design!

Timberati - the category tags are something I’m planning on using to allow a separation like you see at the bottom of the old site. I think they’ll be clearer once I can figure out how to separate the rows and separate the style tags from the “special category” tags.

Just two ideas or suggestions. One is a review column, when a brewer actually brews the recipe he/she can come back and give the recipe up to a five star rating with a comment. The second thing I would add is an awards column eventhough I know you are mentioning it in the description, a separate column would really showcase an award winner.

Just my 2cw.  :wink:

Otherwise…really attractive archive. three thumbs up!

All this stuff is config as opposed to coding (if you know what to look for :wink: ) As a friendly reminder, I’m a full-time Drupal developer - if you want help configuring stuff, just drop me a PM, I’m happy to help.

Expect a PM on the way. I’m not one to turn down a little help.

For the event block, all my research pointed at having to do a theming override with the usual sort of hook function.

As for the rows bit, I’m sure there’s a way to do it in views, but as with all things views, it usually requires someone showing it to you first!