Looks like I will be in Idaho the first week of May. I need to start getting some resumes out. How far back in my employment do I need to go? I have had a LOT of jobs. I was thinking of using my last two, maybe three. That would be about 10 years of history. sound reasonable?
Keep it within 10 years IMHO. Most applications now days only request info that far back. There is a danger (or fear) that work history can be used as a substitute for asking how old you are which would violate one of those sacred no-nos - age religion, gender, etc. For example, if you provide 30 years worth of back ground they will immediately think you are at least 50 and throw your stuff in the trash.
That should be fine. Are you posting on any of the networking sites like Monster or Career Builder and such?
10 years of history sounds reasonable. I usually start losing interest when I’m reading one from a candidate as I get past the last three jobs or so, especially if those cover a good amount of time since that’s the most current knowledge and experience the person has anyway. Just make sure you include anything that’s relevant to the position you’re currently applying for.
Thanks guys! Take a look a this, and see what you think. https://www.pongoresume.com/resumeedit.cfm?resumeID=4809951
Not sure if I will be on Monster or not.
Looks like you need an account to view that link.
Oh, crap, it let me right in. I guess because I have an account, Oh well.
2 or 3 employers. If you have skills you learned somewhere else, then put it under a ‘Skills and Abilities’ heading or make sure you mention it in your cover letter. Its been my experience that the cover letter gets them to look at your resume, and the resume gets you the interview.
Although, who you know get you just as many interviews too…
Weaze put it up on careerbuilder. I’ve gotten some quality hits from that and they seem to have more job listings than monster. All i’ve gotten from monster is spam, scams and aflac recruiters who won’t leave me alone.