Rochefort 8

I just cracked into a Rochefort 8 a little while ago. At first there was something off I couldn’t put my finger on, but as it warmed up it became really clear. There is a huge DMS flavor here. It tastes like someone dumped a can of creamed corn in my beer. Has anyone run into this with the trappist ales before? I’ve had 2 bottles of Chimay Blue over the past few years where I picked up DMS notes too (although not as much as this Rochefort).

It seems like sacrilege to dump a trappist brew, especially at the price they cost, but I think I might have to. Thankfully I have an Ommegang dubbel in the fridge as backup right now…

That sounds like you got a bad bottle. Rochefort are some of the best trappists out there, next to Orval.

Agree, sounds like contamination, possibly an old bottle.

poor storage or someone ruined the beer in handling dnag thats too bad
but I have heard of places that manage to ruin beer…

It’s from (arguably) the best craft-brew store in the state, so I’d like to think that handling at the store isn’t an issue. Plus I had a Rochefort 10 the night after from the same trip and it was just fine.