Rocket City Brewfest!!

Welp - I’m off to attend my first RCBF in a few minutes. Should be fun talking to people and promoting my beers and such. If any of you is from the forum stop by my tent and I’ll give you a free T-shirt. 8)

I was in “a” tent this afternoon. Does that count? I’ll pm you my address if it does.  ;D
  Congrats again, and hope you have a great time.

Too bad it isn’t in Houston. Worth an overnight trip. Anyway WooHoo Yellowhammer Brewing! Here’s the breweries represented. You’re in there with the big boys…

Out of all the breweries represented the local beers by far had the longest lines. We were right next to Cigar City and you could walk right up for a Jai Ali or Sea Bass (Yumm! that stuff rocks!) but people were waiting in super long lines for the local stuff - and I was told by several people that we had the longest lines of all. When we tapped our “Dark Hammer” Belgian Quad at 5:30 people thronged and we kicked the keg in about 45 minutes (that’s with 2 oz pours). When the keg blew I was wondering if we were going to have a riot on our hands. Luckily we swapped out with the UberAlt (sticke alt) and that seemed to placate most. We were also pouring our standard IPA, Belgian White, Saison Summer, Miracle Worker Tripel, and our single hop/single malt IPA “Lonesome Hop”. Sadly our marked kegs of Hop Revival IIPA got lost and we lost all our Yellowhammer AltBier in the power outage.

Pretty awesome event. Gonna try to supply the Nashville brewfest next year. Oh, and sorry weaze, sold out of shirts. But I will put some up on the website soon for ya.  ;)

I’ll post pictures when I get them.

Can’t imagine the feeling of pride you must have. Really happy for ya, but still insanely jealous. Love the name “Lonesome Hop”. Great Lonesome Dove reference. My favorite book of all time. I might have to name one of mine that, in honor of you, and Guss.

Good Luck Keith!  8)

Let us know how it goes.

Ummm, judging by his post this morning, the fest was yesterday.

Friday and saturday, actually. I am still recovering - and not from excessive alcohol. Didn’t even drink on Friday night (aside from a couple pours of bourbon when I got home) but from all the running my mouth and shmoozing. Lots of fun. Met a bunch of homebrewers, and one guy from the Northern Brewer forum but no one from here.

Anyway, here’s a few pics and then I’ll shut up about it. And Weaze, don’t get jealous. Just open a brewery. It’s lots of work but once you get started it is amazing how much support you will get.





That’s awesome, congratulations! :slight_smile:

Great job Keith!  :slight_smile:

Believe it or not, I actually have a financial backer who is really pushing me hard to do it. I am justnot ready for it yet. Only been doing this for 3 years, and still have so much to learn. But, honestly, I could really give the brewery hhere in Pocatello a run, at the point I am at now. Not being biased, but my beer really is better. I still need a few more years on me to feel comfortable. But, maybe someday Rocky Mountain Buckeye will be the real deal. I really look up tp you, to see a guy just like me (minus the kilt) can start off just like I did, and evenntually go big time. Gives me inspiration, and hope.

For what it’s worth, it might take you a few years to get it off the ground anyway.  If you’ve got the backing, go for it.  You can work on your recipes at home while everything else is going on.

If I ever did do it, I would prefer to start by sellings kegs to bars and resturants, etc…Then, from there go all brew pubbie. To me, it just seems like an easier transition. That way, I’m not trying to brew, run a resturant, get entertainment and run a business all at once. Give me chance to get my brewing down first.
  Speaking of, Major, what kind of food do you have at your place, and what kind of acts do you get in?

Nice work!  Seeing this only keeps my little dream alive of someday running my own brewery. :wink:

It’s just a distributing brewery, not a pub. Too many laws in Alabama to run a brewpub. 1# you have to have your brewery in a historic building that was once a brewery… ::slight_smile: I won’t go into the rest, that one is stupid enough.


How many of those buildings exist in the state?  Do they require proof?

Congrats on the festival. From that little tidbit, I’m surprised they allow a beer festival!

Oh yeah, documented proof. Which is why there is only one brewpub I know of in the state, and I think they may have closed. There is one in the works for downtown Huntsville. Loads of money going into that one.

All kinds of stupid beer laws which is why the Free the Hops organization even exists. That said, the laws they are a changin’. It’s only a matter of time.

The other thing about living here is that there is the opportunity to open a brewery. We are at the catalyst here. I can triple capacity right now and still not meet demand. Not that kind of opportunity everywhere across the country.

So why not triple capacity?  Are you looking for investors?  I can send $5. :slight_smile:

We are in the process of doubling capacity right now. have had offers for investment cash just haven’t bitten yet. We have been trying to keep it in the original founders interests completely (there are four of us). that said, we have been giving the investor option a closer look lately.

I’ll take the $5 though, I’ll PM you my PayPal account.  :stuck_out_tongue: