Roommate drinking all the beer :(

I was constantly complaining to my girlfriend about my roommate drinking all of my beer so she got me a cool gadget so I know when he sneaks some beer.  Problem solved…no need for a lock on the keg when I have physical proof of my beer guzzling roommate sneaking beer and know the exact level of my keg.  No more blaming the dog, considering she is missing thumbs to pour the perfect beer!

Of course that all assumes the roommate cares enough to be bothered by the fact that you know he’s stealing beer.

True, but putting the blame on him and showing where the keg was at versus now might change his opinion, since it shows the level on the keg.

Seems like he ought to be willing to split the cost on ingredients.    :wink:

Very true.  I’m pretty new to this site but I was trying to post a picture to share how it shows the level of my keg. Pretty cool little gizmo.

You need to host the picture on an online photo site and then link to it using the “Insert Picture” button (button is right above the “winking” and “really happy” emoticons above).


Are you just never home or what? Do you never see him going to pour beers or do you both have radically different schedules?
Definitely get him to split the cost of the ingredients with you if he’s drinking that much of it.

I actually liked my last roommate going through my beers. Allowed me to brew more and, in my opinion, one of the best parts about this hobby is when people like your beer enough to have a serious session with it.

I just need to start bulk buying grain to really take my costs down (already by hops by the #, get the cheap RO water from the grocery store, and often get free yeast from a local brewery, reuse a slurry, or go dry)

where did your girlfriend get the level indicator?  you said it was working and I’ve never been able to find something that works that wouldn’t require some sort of electronics or something.

She got it online from a site called “ball and keg.” It works incredible and I’m very happy with it because nothing else worked for me before.

Interesting device, but it won’t prevent the beer theft, so I would be more proactive if you want to stop that; alternatively, just create a cup for donations, if the cost is the issue.  I rely on a group of guys to drink my beer and I love to brew, so I probably would use the system to simply suggest to the crew to focus on certain beers that are close to empty in the keg in order to free up kegs more readily.

Thank you I agree. I should have made it more clear by stating that it wasn’t necessarily the fact that he was drinking all the beer, it was annoying not knowing the level of my keg, thus arriving home from work to an empty keg. However, I was excited to try this product out so I always know where the level of the keg is at. It’s nice to know the level because then I can plan ahead to start brewing the next one and not have to shake the keg and ruin those last few, delicious beers!!

Neat device.

Here is a link for those who haven’t found it.

That is pretty cool.  It is a very clever invention.

Hate to spill the beans before I patent it ;),  but I see an obvious improvement. The little bead should be inside a sealed tube. That way it can’t get lost.

It came with multiple bb’s and seems unlikely to fall off IMO

Yeah, you beat me to it. I was more or less picturing a sight gauge for the bead myself. I like the idea. ;D

You can get in on the ground floor with me Jon. Now we just need to figure out how to attach it to the keg. Keep this between us.

I’m there ! Mounting the thing would be tricky - some silicone sealant behind a long, kettle-type sight glass that’s open on top to drop the bead in, with graduated measurements on the glass ? Pint increments, from 40 down to zero. I like it.

Not bad, but we need something removable so folks don’t need to buy one for each keg they own. Straps are inelegant and magnets obviously won’t work. What about flat springs like those slap bracelets from the early 90’s?