Roommate for NHC 2013

Another year, another conference…and another frantic scramble to find a roommate!

The goddess of IT blessed me on registration day, and I was able to snag a registration slot for the conference, but Alas! the host hotel was already booked up by conference hopefuls.

Hit me up if you have a room in (preferably) the conference hotel, or a nearby hotel.  I promise not to snore, smell, or otherwise be an obnoxious roommate!


I should say now that I have found a person to share a hotel room with.  Carry on!

OOOOOOOkay, so my plans just totally fell through.  My anticipated roommate has had to cancel his plans on going to NHC this year, so I’m back out on the NHC street.  Anyone still looking for a roommate at this relatively late date?