Enjoying a Boston Lager for the first time in a long while, and to me it sure is similar in flavor and color to some Czech Pilsners I’ve had lately. The malt build is probably very similar and easy to predict. The yeast may be the key. I don’t know what they use. The hops may not be Saaz, and may be more up front than Saaz, but still in the same ball park. Any thoughts?
or maybe I’m thinking of a Pilsner Urquell. I think I am. Not really sure what the difference is between a Czech Pilsner and a Pilsner Urquell.
Urquell is supposed to be the benchmark and original Czech Pilsner. One of my favorite beers though I prefer Czech Rebel. So to see what you are on about I’ll get some SABL tomorrow. Though as memory serves BL has more caramel flavor and darker color and PU is very pale. Hops comparison. Off hand this may be your culprit.
BL does have some caramel where as PU is probably straight pilsner malt with a tripple decoction mash which adds color (BJCP guidlines for Boh Pils give a top limit of 6SRM which is on the cusp of amber. BL uses Hallertau hops for flavor which does have some of the same aromas that you’d get from saaz in my opinion.
A lot of people hate on Sam Boston Lager but I can always find a place for it -it’s a well made beer. Think of how many resteraunts would only have Bud Miller Coors on tap if it weren’t for BL!
I say this all the time. I give thanks to Boston Lager just for being available in about any 7 11 in the country.
I can drink Boston Lager, I have been thankful as well when the choice was Bud Light or Boston Lager. Boston Lager isn’t really anything like a Czech Pils though. Way to much caramel. The hops might be what you are tasting.
I think they use East Kent Goldings.
What? They advertise Noble hops, Tett and Hallertau Mittlefrueh as the hops for this one.
I could be wrong. Thought I saw a video or commercial where they were talking about EKG.
Perhaps you are thinking of the Boston Ale (do they even still make that?)
from the website:
“Samuel Adams Boston Lager uses only the finest ingredients including two-row malted barley and Bavarian Noble hops.”
Regardless, Boston Lager is not very much like a czech pils to my taste.