Sam Adams Octoberfest


already on the shelves, and I wish I had left the case I bought to try with the rest of em

Not sure I agree that it’s a ‘meh’, even if it seems to lack the malty richness I like in the German festbiers. 
As it is, it’s a decent brew that kind of manages to at least somewhat evoke the German examples.

Truth is, none of the American made ones I’ve tried in recent years taste as good to me as the German imports.  Even the German O-Festbiers that are not of the Maerzen style seem more satisfying than our domestic attempts.

The closest American O-Fest to those German imports was from the unfortunately short lived, but excellent,  Red Bank Brewing in NJ (circa early/mid 1990’s).  Theirs was made from a fairly simple grain bill (using grain that the brewery imported themselves from Germany), and the brew was given the traditionally long lagering period.  All of their beers had the most fully authentic German malt character that I’ve ever encountered in an American made beer.  Not sure why the brewery folded…perhaps distribution issues, or maybe they were just a little bit  ahead of their time.

I’m sure that there will be a few new American made O-Fests popping up this year, and I’ll definitely give them a try.  I hope I find a winner…It’s one of my favorite lager styles.

prof - Left Hand and Gordon Biersch are pretty good American versions. Left Hand was best 2 years ago - last year’s was good but not as spot on.

I agree SA Fest isn’t meh - its not too bad, and I’ll probably drink at least a six packs worth before the season is over (but after its actually begun  :wink: ) its one of SA’s better products, IMO.  I just get too much of a caramelly thing going on rather than a toasty malt flavor and the latter, to me, is one of my favorite facets of the style.  I love vienna malt.

maybe the stack of cases in Sams Club were defective?  The beer did not even have any foam to speak of…

I too love that style of beer and this SA was way below the threshold of my expectations.  Color is interestingly
red, clarity is great, but the nose and lack of foam and lack of clear malt flavor is to me Meh…sorry SA

Thanks for reminding me about the Gordon Biersch!    I did have some of that while in Los Angeles early this year and it was quite good.  It would be nice if that one were more available here in NJ…it would definitely be on my short list of commercial beers that I still buy.

I agree with your take on the SA and also that it’s one of their better products…  and  you’re also right that the caramel flavors (while good)  are no substitute for those toasty, “round” malt flavors.