Sanitation - Start San

I have been brewing for about 4 years.  When sanitizing my gear, from fermentors to siphons and siphon tubing to bottles, I never let the sanitizing solution dry.

What are other homebrewers out there doing?  When you sanitize do you let the equipment dry before using?  Does it matter depending on the type of solution you are using, i.e.: star san vs iodophor?

Also, if your equipment, such as a siphon tube touches a counter or “non sanitized” item do you re sanitize?

Generally, i try to sanitize as close as possible to when i use the item, so nothing ever gets a chance to dry.  The exception to this is fermentors and kegs.  I’ll usually sanitize those well before I need them and just cap them off till I’m ready for them.

My thoroughness varies a bit depending which stage I’m at.  On brew day, good enough is good enough.  I dont stress about an accidental bump.  After primary is finished though, I’m more careful.

I use iodophor. I make a batch, dip/fill whatever I am sanitizing, remove and allow to drip “dry”. I rarely let the item dry completely due to impatience. I basically just get the puddles out.

If I took the time to sanitize something and it bumped something unsanitized, I’d probably redunk/fill it.

Everything dries out between sessions, but on brew day everything is wet.  Morning of brew day, most things are put in a tub of StarSan, I pull them out as needed, then use rinse and return to the bath.  I have a spray bottle for wetting down inside of fermenter prior to filling.

However, the only thing I do differently is I sanitize my conical and/or other fermentation vessel(s) right before transferring the wort to them.  I use Saniclean, since it doesn’t foam like Star-San, and my fermenter is still wet when I begin the transfer (I empty the sanitizer out right before putting the wort in).  The small amount of sanitizer that remains in the fermentation vessel does not effect the beer at all.
I also do this for my secondary (aka brite vessel) and my kegs when kegging.

If a hose or racking cane is still wet with sanitizer, I don’t get too concerned about bumping it unless I see dirt, but I probably would give the outside a quick dunk in a bath of StarSan if it was convenient to do so.

Thanks everyone for the feedback!  I don’t belong to a homebrew club and have always wondered what other brewer’s best practices are.

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