I’m looking to attempt my first batch of Mead. Does anyone have a proven Raspberry mead recipe? None of the ones I’ve found online have any feedback or follow up talking about how well it turned out.
I’m looking to attempt my first batch of Mead. Does anyone have a proven Raspberry mead recipe? None of the ones I’ve found online have any feedback or follow up talking about how well it turned out.
I made a raspberry mead (melomel) once. I lost the recipe due to a hard drive crash and several moves since I made it but off the top of my head I think it was 12lbs of local honey and about 4lb of raspberries added in the secondary. It took an extremely long time (1 year+) to clear and should have gone another 6+ months to be honest. It also tasted like a shot of vodka and then some sweetness for the first year after bottling. The raspberries added a ton more sugar so the ABV shot up and I didn’t adjust my initial honey addition accordingly. After about 3 years from originally being made it did come together and was something along the lines of a raspberry like wine…sorta.
If I was to do it again I would:
Maybe not the greatest of help but hopefully it helps some.