Serving fridge is freezing beer in keg

So I just started having this problem about 4-5 weeks ago.  I went to pour a beer and it acted like it blew.  So I reach inside to pull the “empty” keg out and low and behold, there’s still at least a gallon or more in it, judging by the weight.  Turns out it was frozen.  Flash forward to yesterday, it does the same thing on a newer IPA.  It’s only the keg in the back left hand corner that’s freezing.  So I’ve tried to dial up the temp a little bit, but then that throws my regulator off, since things are a couple degrees warmer.  Anyone ever heard of anything like this??  Any suggestions?

I’ve only had the two kegs freeze, but they were both in the same position, back left hand corner of the serving fridge.  I haven’t really messed with the thermostat very much, and I’ve been homebrewing for almost two years and have always used this as the serving fridge without this issue.  I have had four kegs in there consistently for over a year as well…weird ???

If it’s especially hot where the freezer is the compressor will run more, the walls will get colder, and can freeze a keg.  If you put in a little fan to circulate air better it should help mitigate the problem.  Or you can move the temp sensor to the coldest part of the freezer.

I’m assuming this is a standard keezer setup with a temperature controller, if not then the above may not apply.

No, it’s just an upright fridge.  No additional thermostat.

Fridge only then?  No freezer on top/bottom?  If it is fridge only then the above should still apply - you’ve got a cold spot you need to get rid of, so you could move the air to normalize the temperature.  did it have a fan?  Is the fan now broken? :slight_smile:

if it’s got a freezer above/below, usually the freezer chills and then cold air gets dumped into the fridge.  Moving the air should help with that too.

Yeah, sorry it is a fridge below/freezer up top combo.  I’ll double check the fan, I was just thinking that myself.

Is the keg that is freezing directly below the inlet from the freezer?  How is that fan, working?

Yes it is the keg directly below the inlet.  Not much air seems to be circulating inside the cabinet.  One of the guys in my local homebrew club suggested adding a computer fan.  I think I’m gonna go that route, that should move enough air and keep the kegs nice and cold without freezing them.

Yup, adding a little fan to circulate the air should fix the problem.  Or maybe just add some sort of diverter plate so the air doesn’t fall into the hole between the corner and the keg.  Even moving the air over a couple of inches should help.  I think I would try that before I tried a fan, there’s no power or moving parts required.  I’d look for a small piece of metal from home depot, the kind of thing made of galvanized steel you’d use to tie 2x4s together.  You can probably find something in that section that you could bend into a shape to let you divert the air and just hold it in place with duct tape, either on the top or the side of the fridge right under the vent (but being careful to give the vent room).