I just filled my first keg and fforced carbed. For now I’m not set up to have the keg and co2 in the fridge, but the keg fits. Do I need to constantly have it hooked up to CO2 to pour, or will I get a few pours from the pressure in the keg.
You will get a few good pours before gas is needed again.
Over time the gas in the beer will come out pressurizing the head space until they are equal. This will cause your beer to lose carbonation.
Thanks Steve. This is a temporary situation I’m still deciding on where to put a kegerator.
Actually it isn’t difficult to maintain a keg without keeping it hooked all the time.
I don’t have any of my kegs hooked up constantly. Pour two. Hit it with gas. Good to go.
I have 5 kegs on tap in two fridges. Which is a pita. But none of them are hooked up constantly. Sometimes when guests are over I forget to hit them with gas. But not often.