I’m needing some advice/suggestions on setting up a kegerator. I’ve got a small serving fridge that I can fit 5 Cornys in. I’m looking at buying 3 or 4 SS perlicks (not sure yet if I want to leave room for lagering a batch?) 3 5.25" SS shanks, and 50’ of 3/16 line. Does anyone have experience with the perlick flow control model? Is there any reason I should go that route? I’ve also heard that longer shanks were better (insert jokes here), is that true? I can get 6" if that would be better? Is 50ft enough line for 3 possibly 4 kegs? I have a 3 way CO2 manifold but I’m going to need a new regulator anyway. Should I go with a dual regulator? Any other suggestion such as faucet height, tap placement (front or side), and line routing would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Your best bet is advice from your LHBS. They can talk you through things while giving you visual examples. With that in mind, here’s my $0.02:
Liquid line length is important to get proper flow from the keg to the glass without adjusting CO2 pressure before every pour. I think you’re looking at about 6’ of line to get the correct pressure drop, but confirm.
Perlicks are awesome. If you don’t use the taps every day, the generic ones get stuck on you (both closed AND open, at times). Good call.
I don’t think shank size is important (adding to joke material). With the right line length, I’ve gotten as great of flow from a picnic tap as a stainless tap.
If you’ve got room for 5 corneys (and the cash), add the lines/taps for 5. You can always seal off your extra one until you’re ready to use it. I started with 3 cornies of capacity and just one tap, so we were opening the kegerator all the time to draw off the picnic taps.
Good luck! Post pics of the finished product in the “Pimp My System” section!
To echo the previous post, if you can afford to set the ‘fridge up for 5 faucets, do it now.
Get the beer line that stays flexible at cold temps, it will make your life easier.
I serve my beer at 10 lbs and find that 7’ of beer line works best.
I would start longer than I thought was necessary and then reduce the length. (Its easier to make the line shorter than longer!)
As noted, definitely get the Perlicks.
Faucet placement will be determined by the location of refrigerant lines in your 'fridge walls.
I had none on the side of the 'fridge, so I put my faucets there.
Unless you expect to be using two different serving pressures, I wouldn’t bother with the dual regulator.