Sharing beers at the NHC

I plan to bring a number of beers to the NHC for sharing and I assume others will do the same.

To get the most out of it I wouldn’t mind meeting up with those of you who are at the NHC and are interested, find a quiet corner and sample each other’s beer.  This way I may palate may still be intact to enjoy some of the more delicate beers.

Any takers?



If I was able to attend I would definitely take you up on this offer. Thanks, but can I get a raincheck for next year’s NHC because I am going to make every effort to attend next year.

Have fun!

I’d love to taste, but since I’m flying I’ll have nothing to share.

Why’s that?  You don’t really need clothes.  Pack them in your suitcase.

I hear you and many others will have the same problem. I plan to pay for checked luggage one way to bring some beers.

I just checked Delta’s baggage restrictions and it does not limit the amount of alcohol in the checked luggage.


I checked baggage, too, but no room for beer.  I didn’t even bring my ukulele!

Heresy! Heresy, I tell you!

I would like to share, I’m bringing my dort that is in the second round. I’m even bringing a Wrye IPA to temp Denny’s palate. I will have a hospitality suite set up in my room. PM me to set up a tasting. I’m sure Thirsty Monk and On the Keg and AOD will be around as we have agreed to meet up.

I’ll be glad to taste anyone’s beer, but please don’t ask my opinion of it unless you truly want to know! Club night is really the place for beer tasting  :wink:

If club night it like some of our club meetings I think it would be nicer and more enjoyable to taste beers in a smaller group and less noisy setting. I don’t think club night would be the time when you really critique a beer. I don’t see myself making negative comments at club night. Not having been there before, but I think of club night as the place to walk around enjoy beer and hopefully have some good conversations.

I always want to have honest feedback and more importantly be able to discuss it. In the end I tend to me my worst critic anyway.


I’m with ya, Kai.  Club night is great, but between the plethora of beer and food and the commotion, it isn’t my first choice for critical beer tasting.

After many years of my asking clubs to have at least one beer of session strength (I recognize that we’re trying to show off our biggest and baddest beers), the Ann Arbor Brewers Guild (AABG) has decided to present a session beer themed club night.  So please stop by our British Pub at club night and take a break from the liver-busting (albeit tasty) beers and relax.  I think we have about a dozen tasty but low alcohol beers.

One beer that we are presenting is my “April 7, 1933,” a 3.2% abw (4.0% abv) Classic American Pilsner.

Here is my “point-of-sale” description"

"In March, 1933, just after FDR and the new congress took office, Congress passed the Cullen-Harrison Act, amending the Volstead Act, and raising the definition of “intoxicating liquor” under the 18th Amendment from 0.5% abw to 3.2% abw (4.0% abv).  The act went into effect on April 7, 1933; breweries shipped at midnight and taverns opened at that hour.  After 13 years, thirsty Americans at last could have a beer.

“This is that beer.”

I was fortunate to try Jeff’s beer yesterday…it was absolutely delicious.  If I could brew somehting that good, I’d be drinking a lot more 3.2% beers.  Of course, I’d have to change my sig to “Life begins at 32…”:wink:

Wish I could be there.  Maybe next year.  In the meantime, I might have to send Kai a bottle of my latest German pils in exchange for something delicious of his  :wink:

I couldn’t make it to the Conference but the best I can say is to check out Steve Hamburg’s talk.  I believe it’s primarily about cask beer but the batch brewed should be an eminently drinkable session beer.

I really enjoyed your club’s booth. It was a very nice break in the middle of a lot of big beers on club night. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to try all of them at your booth, but the ones I sampled were great!

It was quite nice this year to have more session beers.  When you’re drinking for three or four solid days (way past my normal bed-time) Imperial IPA’s just don’t go down easy.  Jeff’s session CAP was quite nice and a great number of cask milds seemed to be available.  I think the overall quality of the homebrews this year was exceptional.

Jeff’s CAP was very good and Iiked it a lot. I actually stayed away from many of the strong beers at club night in favor of the lighter ones.

The amount of session beers that clubs brought this year was up in general at club night.  Most clubs looked to have at least one, in my unscientific survey.

Jeff Renner’s 3.2 CAP was the first to blow at our booth.  The 3 gallon keg of Mild on a hand pump was second.  My keg of a 4% Saison was pretty light.  It can be stated that there is a place for session beers at club night.

Kai had a bottle of doppelbock that was fantastic.  My wife usually doen’t drink those, but she said “Wow!”.  Good job on that beer Kai.

Jeff’s Cap was very good and the session beers by the club was a nice change and the ones I tried were very good. My highlight was Fred’s 17.4 ABV Imperial barley wine. Thanks to Fred for sharing a bit with me seeing that he had very little and he hardly knew me.

Kai, thank you for sharing your samples it was interesting to taste the same beers with different techniques. It was amazing that we all guessed correctly on each sample. ;)  Oh and that Doppelbock yum!