Short boil?

I am keen to try brewing an IPA using only late hop additions. I am wondering if I still need to do a 1hr boil, or if I could reduce that time to 20mins, if that’s when I’m adding my first hops? I brew using a partial mash and partial boil - I mash 5.5lbs of grains on the stove top, top up with DME, do a 3 gallon boil and then top up to 5.5 gallons in the fermenter. The only reason I can think of for still doing a 60 minute boil is to reduce DMS, but I don’t think that is going to be an issue, given that I’m only partial mashing? Am I missing anything?

Go ahead, it should work just fine.  Many people have proven that DMS concerns are largely overblown and that it’s eliminated in a matter of minutes, not hours.

I’ve gone as low as a 30 minute boil if that’s all I need for my hops.  It only takes about 10 minutes to sterilize, so anything above that is just for the hop additions, as I understand it.

I’ve done IPA’s where I just heat the extract to 170F and do a whirlpool. Bitterness is low (obviously), but not nonexistant as some might expect.

One of the purposes of purposes of boiling is  to precipitate protein in a hot break so you should probably boil for at least about 15 minutes roughly.

Thanks everyone- I’ll go for a 20min boil

FWIW, on my 20 min. boil beers I had to increase bittering hops by 50%

Yes, be mindful of IBU losses but 50% more for 20m seems high.  I have done 30m for years now and recall the loss was about 20% but there are differences among IBU calculators.  I use Tinseth.

It may seem high, but it calculates and tastes right.